During the second Stokes Croft riot at 3am there seems to have been the first attempt to smash into the shops in Cabot circus and effect widespread wealth redistribution. A looted Cabot circus would have put_Tescos in perspective. The attack failed but for audacity it takes some beating and the echos would have been profound.
Loot Cabot Circus Flyer |
To celebrate this during the week of 14th - 21st May 2011, Bristol Witches Against the Cuts (BWAC) intend to utilise the spectacular conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter and the Full Moon on the 17th to aid the frustrated 90% of Bristolian window shoppers excluded from the goods on sale in luxury outfits like Harvey Nichols to take back what they're owed.
We intend to render the CCTV cameras useless using whatever powers necessary – and believe we have found vital allies in Cabot security guards who are fed up with low pay, bad conditions and the general insecurity of modern 'work' which means most of us cannot think or plan more than a few months ahead. Loot Cabot Circus - 17th May.
Bristol Witches against the Cuts - Taking the fight against the cuts to the next level: http://bristolwitchesagainstcuts.blogspot.com/
what a load of crap that was, dont even turn up for your own event. call yourselves witches, more like bloody clowns. stop making crap up and if your gonna plot something bloody well do it!!